
23/365 MBA高頻率字彙

2012/5/20 NYC

最近在趕一個報告,忍不住用到Competitive Landscape這個詞又令我發笑。



底下是當初大家在想創業idea時我碰巧瞄到的網站(哈哈沒錯主題是dating an MBA),這篇的精準度讓大夥兒笑到快昏倒。高頻率字彙,MBA非學不可

15 Ways to Know You're Dating an MBA

1. Call the first month of your relationship a "preliminary assessment period."
2. Talks to the waiter about process flows when dinner arrives late.
3. Congratulates your parents for successful value creation.
4. Your Valentine's Day card has bullet points.
5. Refers to lovemaking as a "win-win.".
6. Decides to re-org your family into a "team-based organization.".
7. Refers to your date as "testing marketing methods..."
8. Writes executive summaries on your love letters.
9. Ends the argument you have by saying "let's talk about this offline."
10. Refers to you as "my co-CEO."
11. Insist you do market research before getting pregnant.
12. Says your "deliverable" for Sunday evening is clean laundry and paid bills.
13. Asks the waiter what the restaurant's core competencies are.
14. Gives constructive feedback to your dog.
15. Conducts a performance review after making out with you.

From: http://datingstrategery.blogspot.com/

