
121/365 華為中興

2012/10/8 Capitol Hill, DC

美國眾議院情報委員會主席Mike Rogers和委員Dutch Ruppersberger今天出來開記者會,宣布委員會調查中國通訊大廠華為和中興的結果。"不意外的"他們認為兩家公司威脅美國國家和商業安全,因此在報告中建議,美國政府應阻止華為和中興在美國的購併活動,以及避免使用兩家公司的設備,美國企業也應該尋找替代的供應商。



這是我第一次在現場提問,和想像中的電影人物互動的感覺很有趣,自己的問題和答案第一次被寫進Federal News ServiceTranscript中,還真有種虛榮感,哈。

Q: So my question is about the effects of the report. Do you think how possible those companies will deny to use Huawei and ZTE products, if Huawei and ZTE do provide them with more competitive product portfolios from business perspective?

REP. ROGERS: Well, again, you have to look at -- when you say provide a more competitive product portfolio, if it is subsidized by the government, if it is subsidized by Chinese banks, it may be more competitive, but that is also not free trade. And that is a huge problem. And so they need to ask the next question, why? Why would they come in, and sometimes lower than the cost certain companies could provide the services in that particular area. That leads to a lot of questions.

Well, then the next question, the most serious question should be, how do I protect my consumers' data? Can I do it with this system? And how do I protect the national security of the United States? I don't know how you get to a yes on the next two questions, and that ought to start them re-elevating and moving in a different direction.

照片是Bloomberg的,那是記者會後,Huawei US負責External RelationsVP William Plummer在現場回應。他回答得非常激動,我站在他旁邊都可以感覺到他不時都氣得發抖。 


