
35/365 在街頭遇見Tiggy Ticehurst

2012/5/31 Metropolitan Museum, NYC

NYC上上下下的紀念品攤位,幾乎都賣著千篇一律的畫作和攝影作品,無趣之餘,Metropolitan Museum前這個特別的小攤吸引了我的注意。鮮豔的配色加上卡通般的景物線條,紐約著名景點在作者的筆下,多了分戲謔和歡愉。老闆很親切健談,從創作情境、通路點到紐約生活都熱情分享。他的作品在The Plaza Hotel等不少地方都有賣,但他還是很享受在博物館前擺攤,直接和各類人群互動的感覺。


他說他很喜歡中國菜,尤其是Flushing,講到hotpot時更是神采飛揚。V問他會不會說中文?結果他說了 謝謝屁股笨死了這幾個詞。其中屁股這個詞讓我啼笑皆非,因為那麼多年事過境遷後,這詞兒還能立刻且唯一從他腦袋中蹦出,想必當初和中國女友有蠻情色的一面。後來觀察他的作品,才發現很多都是突出屁股這個部位,結果是我想太多了。

在網路上才發現原來Tiggy Ticehurst小有名氣,不少人來NYC都選購他的作品做為紀念品。很喜歡他作品後頭的自我介紹,神往之餘也讓人再次思考,人生中總有那個幾個關鍵事件,讓你之所以成為你。

~Tiggy Ticehurst~

Tiggy was born in England in 1965 to Maria Bamberger, who is a second cousin of Irene Ludwig of the Peter Ludwig Museum in Germany. Early in his childhood Tiggy experienced many family challenges: the divorce of his parents, time in children’s home, frequent moves, and homelessness. Following his mother’s remarriage, Tiggy’s life began to settle down as his new father embraced him as his own. A close and enduring relationship developed between them.

At 16, Tiggy left for London. There he spent several years working in real estate with the Barclay Brothers, before heading for Paris. During his 11 years in France, he worked in real estate, advertising, finding time to paint and sculpt whenever he could. Various projects and a taste for travel took him to several exotic locations including Morocco, Spain, Germany and Cambodia, where he traveled with Prince Ranariddh Norodom. Desiring a slower pace, Tiggy then settled on the Caribbean island of St Bart’s. While there, he was encouraged by English artist, Bill Barrell, to visit him in New York City. Tiggy has been living and painting in New York ever since.

On The Verge Gallery http://www.onthevergegallery.com/

