
59/365 The Ten Biggest Lies of B-School

2011/4/16 The Wharton School, Philly

這篇文章是ForbesContributor Eric Jackson寫的,很精準的點出一些商學院教育之下,學生可能在"心理"上會踏入的誤區。

The Ten Biggest Lies of B-School

1. You will be rich. 
2. You are smarter than people without an MBA. 
3. There’s always a right answer.
4. If you’ve made it this far (to B-School), you’re destined to succeed. 
5. You know how to “fix” the first few companies you join after school. 
6. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) will always tell you what a company is worth. 
7. The “soft” courses (leadership and people management) are least important.
8. You are going to be more creative and entrepreneurial after Business School than before.
9. Your peers will give you lots of tips and insights that will help you succeed in your career. 
10. The Ivy League MBAs will be even more successful. 

我一直認為商學院影響人最深的,是一種can-do attitude。它畫出成功地圖教你一步步去追求,過程中用盡辦法壓榨你挑戰你的極限,但你的好勝心會克服恐懼讓你拼死都去嘗試,然後跟世界菁英齊聚一堂,你的確會成就一些事情,讓你慢慢懂得nothing impossible,也讓你以為你什麼都行。

只是商學院的價值,始終只有這個圈子的人最懂。商學院培養你就是要你去它的世界玩,例如VC PEBanking Consulting,如果你硬要走別條路,就得花更大的力氣去讓業界認可MBA的價值。


